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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Concepts In Focus

Our company (located in Jacksonville, FL), has conducted marketing research studies for clients throughout the nation since 1981. We have experience in a wide variety of market research methods, including focus groups, telephone surveys, mail surveys, mystery shopping, on-site intercepts, central location tests, customer satisfaction studies, business-to-business research, personal interviews, web surveys, and more. Interested in participating in focus groups, mock juries and other forms of market research? It’s a great way to get your opinions and thoughts heard! Simply fill out our form and you’ll be in our database. The next time we have a project that you may qualify for, we will call you and invite you to participate. For those of you with Caller ID, you’ll know it’s us on the line when you see “Ulrich Research” on your screen. (Concepts in Focus is a division of Ulrich Research Services, Inc.) Sessions will typically last anywhere from one to two hours. Respondents can usually expect to receive a cash honorarium or gift for their time and effort. Click on the "Join Our Database" to sign up!

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